Development Minerals Showcase: Transforming a Neglected Sector in Africa, the Caribbean and the Pacific






As part of EU Raw Materials Week, the ACP-EU Development Minerals Programme hosted a showcase on December 02, in Brussels. Around 120 people attended the event, including Ambassadors, senior officials from the ACP Secretariat, European Commission, and UNDP and professionals from the public and private sectors and civil society.

In their introductory remarks, Mr. Viwanou Gnassounou - Assistant Secretary General of the ACP Group, Mr. Antti Karhunen - Head of Unit at DG DEVCO, and Ms. Barbara Pesce-Monteiro - Director of the UN and UNDP Office in Brussels, urged policy and decision-makers at all levels to ensure that Development Minerals spur sustainable domestic economic development in Africa, the Caribbean and the Pacific, by making sure that the sector is productive, inclusive, responsible and creates sustainable jobs for vulnerable people such as youth and women.

Alumni of the training delivered by the programme shared how they have implemented the knowledge that they gained from the programme in their workplace. A live handcraft exhibition was also undertaken by Egbert Hamilton, an alabaster artisan from Jamaica. All delegates had the chance to see first-hand the craft and skill required to work a dimension stone, and to learn more about their uses and the way in which they contribute to local economies.


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Watch the full video of the event below and find more information and photos here.


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