Spotlight on Return to Work: Zambia
Return to Work Plans are an important feature of our training workshops. The Zambian contingent of the Regional Workshop on Environment, Community, Health and Safety held in Addis Ababa designed a collective plan to review the geological information on Neglected Development Minerals available nationwide with a particular focus on the Lusaka region. The minerals identified include quartz, mica, sand and clay, talc, limestone, dolomite, slates, sandstone and granite among others.
The team has carried out a number of visits to different mining sites (see photograph below) and made observations of the mining life cycle, the value chain, environmental issues as well as community health and gender relations.
In addition to the observations, team members have been communicating with miners to gain a better understanding of the challenges and opportunities facing their mining operations.
Photo: Local clay miner and brickmaker (left) explains to Mary Audrey Mtonga the process involved from the mine to the brick kiln.
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