President Museveni Visits Programme Exhibitors






Programme exihibitors at Uganda Mineral Wealth Conference 5-6 Octover 2016


Employment creation in Uganda has come under the spotlight. Uganda has one of the youngest and most rapidly growing populations in the world, with 53% of the population younger than 15 and about 0.5 million Ugandans entering the labor force annually. The mining and quarrying sector is projected to be a major driver of employment and GDP growth in the attainment of the country's Vision 2040; with the launching of large infrastructure and housing projects.

This message was hammered home during the 5th Mineral Wealth Conference held on 5-6 October, 2016 in Kampala. A plenary session, punctuated by a panel discussion, brought Development Minerals to the center of the debate on employment creation and local economic development.

Furthermore, President Museveni reiterated his government's commitment to support small-scale miners of Development Minerals while touring the exhibition booths mounted by 8 small-scale miners whose participation was sponsored by the ACP-EU Development Minerals Programme.

This renewed government commitment is a welcomed move by small-scale miners who had participated in the Uganda National Consultation workshop in 30-31 August, 2016. During the workshop, the small-scale miners had called for the provision of systematic extension services and structured capacity development opportunities, as well as investment and trade opportunities, such as that offered by the Mineral Wealth Conference.

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