Zambia: Training Trainers for Country-Wide Impact
Two Training of Trainers (ToT) Workshops on Mine and Quarry Management, Environment, Occupational Health and Safety and Community Health, Labor and Human Rights took place in Zambia in October. Kitwe and Lusaka played host to these training workshops.
In total, 73 persons drawn from small scale mine operators, local government officials, representatives from the Ministry of Mines and Minerals Development, community leaders and civil society organizations took part in this country level training. The training increased technical knowledge of operating standards, technologies, techniques and practices for improved mine and quarry management and facilitated knowledge exchange on best practices in environment, health and safety standards.
The aim of the ToT workshops is to enhance technical knowledge of key participants that will then roll out the training to local small scale miners in their respective areas. The Programme therefore is developing a strong network of competent instructors who are simultaneously replicating and sharing the knowledge acquired during these training workshops through-out the country.
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