Ghana Welcomes West Africa for Regional Training
Accra, Ghana was the venue of the third Regional Training Workshop on Environment, Community, Health and Safety, 15-18 March, 2016. The workshop – co-hosted with the African Union Commission, ECOWAS, the Minerals Commission of Ghana and the African Minerals Development Centre – brought together 58 participants from 12 West African countries (Benin, Burkina Faso, Cote d'Ivoire, Ghana, Guinea, Mali, Mauritania, Niger, Nigeria, Senegal, Sierra Leone and Togo).
The opening ceremony for the workshop was led by Hon. Nii Osah Mills, Minister of Lands and Natural Resources of Ghana who stressed the economic and social importance of industrial minerals to Ghana and the region. His opening speech was preceded by remarks from Mr. Vinassou Gnassounou, Assistant Secretary General, ACP Secretariat (video speech); Mr. William Baidoe, ECOWAS; Mr. Johannes van der Ploeg; Infrastructure and Sustainable Development Section of the EU Delegation in Ghana and Mr. Mulugeta Abebe, UNDP Deputy Country Director for Ghana. Similarly, the field visit to three quarrying sites (see picture above), helped the workshop participants to concretize the lessons learnt.
Photo: Training participants during the field visit to a limestone quarry run by West Africa Quarries Limited (WAQL)
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